Aperitivos de Añavieja has achieved IFS (International Food Standard) certification.
Complying with the commitment to continuous improvement, which since its inception has been the hallmark of Aperitivos de Añavieja S.A., we have decided to take a firm step forward by betting on the food safety of our products through compliance with the most stringent requirements. After a meticulous dedication of all our team, and in the desire to do things well and remain in the best possible position in an increasingly competitive market, we can announce that Aperitivos de Añavieja has achieved the certification of the international standard of Food Safety IFS (International Food Standard).
IFS is a private international standard developed by German, French and Italian distributors, which includes a series of technical requirements with the purpose of guaranteeing the legality, safety and quality of manufactured products.
From Aperitivos de Añavieja S.A. we want to be a transparent and rigorous company in all our production chain, providing absolute confidence to our customers.
Our main objective is that the final product reaches the customer in optimal conditions of safety and quality, so we will continue working in this line to be better every day.